Catholic Identity


© BCE/St Thomas More College/2021

​St Thomas More College is a Catholic secondary school administered by the Archdiocese of Brisbane and is operated by Brisbane Catholic Education in the parish of Sunnybank.

Welcoming students from a variety of religious backgrou​nds and religious expressions of faith, our College is much richer because of the diversity that exists within our community.

Learning in religious education classes happens like it does in every other subject, however with a focus on religious literacy.

The College provides numerous opportunities for students to explore their own religious experience and to embrace the spiritual journey of their life. We support our students as they consolidate their own faith when they begin to explore and understand the faith journeys of others.

Students have numerous opportunities to engage with their spirituality through their curriculum studies and co-curricular activities during daily College life.

All members of the community are invited to participate in mass, prayer, meditation, liturgies, and spirituality experiences to the extent that they can.

Our campus Chapel of St Thomas More is a place of gathering, prayer, and reflection, and open to community members.

Many in-class and extra-curricular opportunities are available for students to expand their religious literacy, and include:

  • Christian meditation and prayer circle
  • Weekly Mass in the College Chapel
  • Praying of the Rosary
  • College Project Youth where students focus on fun, fellowship, prayer and reflection
  • Religion, Meaning, and Life, a co-curricular twilight experience for interested students
  • Secondary Social Justice Groups and School Conferences guided by St Vincent de Paul Society and College staff for students to discuss and organise ways to help others in need
  • Breakthru group facilitated by Year 12 students investigating the challenging questions of our time
  • Year level spirituality and personal development retreats

The College offers the following religious education subjects across the middle and senior schools:

  • Religious Education
  • Study of Religion
  • Religion and Ethics
  • Certificate III in Christian Ministry & Theology​