“Learning in the Middle Years is about ensuring a successful transition to high school in an environment that is inclusive and supportive of each individual student."
Stacey Readman, Assistant Principal - Middle Years
© BCE/St Thomas More College/2023.
The Middle Years curriculum is designed to ensure our students successfully transition into secondary school by equipping them with effective study skills whilst encouraging independence and increased responsibility for learning. We aim to spark a love of learning in each child and build academic confidence both inside and outside the classroom. Students are challenged to participate in numerous co-curricular opportunities to further enhance their sense of belonging in our community.
Their progress is monitored carefully by our Pastoral Care teachers, who play a key role in guiding students to achieve their best and supporting their social and emotional well-being. Pastoral Care at the College is organised so teachers get to know each student as an individual and understand how they learn best. The Middle Years timetable is structured to allow younger students more time with their Pastoral Care teacher in a familiar classroom throughout the day. In Year 7 students have their Pastoral Care teacher for three core subjects allowing them to form strong connections with nurturing adult whilst they navigate the transition to secondary school. Students in year 8 and 9 are supported to develop confidence and independence as they gradually encounter a broader range of teachers and rooms across the College.
In addition to pastoral care teachers, each year level has a Pastoral Leader who is responsible for the social and emotional well being of each child. They follow their cohort through the middle years of schooling forging strong bonds of trust, and inspiring them to 'Do More and Be More'.
In Years 7 and 8, the students study six core subjects and participate in twelve rotation subjects over the year. This allows them to experience a broad range of learning opportunities that enhance their knowledge and skills as they discover their talents and interests. Our Year 9 students continue to maintain a strong emphasis on essential core subjects. In addition, they have the first opportunity to choose electives. This enables them to begin to develop their interests and direction in preparation for the Senior School.
We closely align all of our subjects with the Australian Curriculum ensuring that the general capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities are mapped accordingly. Teachers design a wide variety of engaging learning activities that seek to expose students to multiple opportunities in multiple ways so each learner can successfully demonstrate what they know and can do.
2024 Year 7 Parent Handbook.pdf

© BCE/St Thomas More College/2023.